Is your organization concerned with DOT compliance? At Forward Healthcare, we build and manage sleep programs. This means we have extensive experience with compliance and regulations to keep your drivers safe. Learn why data collection is an important part of this process.

Data Collection

Our therapy equipment allows for detailed data collection and reporting. Depending on the device the patient uses for the test, we will be able to measure:

  • Actigraphy
  • Body Position
  • Chest Motion
  • Heart Rate
  • Oximetry
  • PAT signal
  • Pleth
  • Pressure Flow
  • Pulse Rate
  • Respiratory Effort
  • Snoring
  • Sp02

By collecting the right data, you will be able to understand which of your drivers need sleep apnea treatment. Data collection is also the first step you need to take to understand what forms of care your drivers need.

We provide all this data with our on-demand, real-time custom reporting solutions.

sleep apnea device

Follow-Up With Drivers

If a driver has sleep apnea, they will need to get treated for the disorder before they are medically approved to operate a commercial vehicle.

Forward Healthcare will follow up with these drivers, helping them get any necessary prescriptions and treatment. It all starts with a simple, easy-to-schedule telemedicine consultation. This follow-up helps drivers comply with any necessary next steps.

Compliance Support – Forward Healthcare

If you’re looking for compliance support, you have come to the right place. At Forward Healthcare, we work with all kinds of organizations, helping them build or manage their sleep disorder programs.

Whether you have questions you would like to ask about our services or you’re ready to discuss your program, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.


High-Quality Sleep Apnea Organizations

ResMedMaryland Sleep SocietyPhilipsItamar Medical

Forward Healthcare is a leader in the field of sleep medicine and fatigue risk management.