If you have patients who might be suffering with sleep apnea, it’s essential to get them tested. There are two major categories of testing: in-lab sleep studies and Home Sleep Testing (HST). How do you determine which one is right for each patient, and how do you determine the best mix for your practice?

In-Lab Sleep Studies

Generally speaking, in-lab testing is the best way to test for sleep disorders. It holds two major advantages over HST:

  • More Data: HST can only test for sleep apnea, whereas lab tests give you a fuller understanding of any sleep problems the patient may be experiencing.
  • More Accurate Data: You have greater control over data collected in a sleep lab, since you’re able to ensure that all sensors are placed correctly.

Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to get patients to visit a sleep lab. Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping away from home.

sleep apnea device


Many patients like the convenience that HST offers. This makes it ideal in situations where patients otherwise wouldn’t get a test at all. Once you’ve received the results of the HST, you’ll be able to determine whether the patient needs to get treated for sleep apnea.

That said, it’s important to note that HST cannot test for other disorders, like restless leg syndrome. If you believe your patients has something other than sleep apnea, or if you believe they have a concurrent sleeping disorder, the best option is to refer them to a sleep lab.

Learn More About the Advantages That Sleep Labs and HST Can Offer – Forward Healthcare

At Forward Healthcare, we provide employers and healthcare providers with everything they need to effectively run a sleep program. That means we’ve seen the advantages and disadvantages of both sleep lab tests and HST.

Do you have any questions you’d like to ask us regarding which mix is right for your organization? Please contact us today. Our representatives will be happy to answer any questions you have.


High-Quality Sleep Apnea Organizations

ResMedMaryland Sleep SocietyPhilipsItamar Medical

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